Reading for work Feb 2016: Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles
Briefly:You may be on the receiving end of some really good news within about one month.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a good looking man of about 22 who is clean shaven and rugged up ready for winter or a long journey. He wears a beret with a feather in it, and a coat with stripes on the sleeves, which could represent a military uniform or other suit related to his field of work. He looks strong and courageous. He is headed in a certain direction and carrying a large Pentacle. He is obviously on a mission to bring some good news to someone. In the background are mountains and a river with tall trees dotting the landscape. This could represent a place you will visit in the near future, or where you will live. If you draw this card, you may be on the receiving end of some really good news within about one month. If the card represents someone you already know, rest assured success lies ahead for them. If the card is yourself, you know where you are going and how to get there. You will gain recognition for your endeavours and the esteem of your contemporaries.

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